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49°15'5.43"N 15°11'1.37"E

Obrázek č. 1, Turistické známky, No. 263 - Žirovnice

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Vladislav Stárek
Vladislav Stárek
Známka zakoupena v infocentru na zámku. Líbila se nám prohlídka zámeckého areálu a následně i muzea perleťářství.
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Lenka Richtrová
Lenka Richtrová
TZ zakoupena ve st 28.7.2021 v IC v zámku.
Florida Georgia Line Concerts
Florida Georgia Line is my favourite country music band. Headliners Tyler Hubbard and Brian Kelley are those guys that can make anyone sing along. That's why I like to attend their shows. And - that's surprisingly beatiful - in 2019 they have CAN'T SAY IT AIN'T COUNTRY TOUR which covers all the US cities and towns. For tickets info visit Florida Georgia Line Concerts 2019.
Luke Bryan tour dates
Luke Bryan is my favourite US singer. His strong voice takes me away from all issues of this planet so I can enjoy my life and listen songs created by his. Now the singer is going on a tour in 2019. The concerts scheduled for the whole 2019, up to the mid-October. Tickets are available for all men and women with different income. If you are a country music lover as me, then you must visit at least one of his concert. All tour dates are available at the Luke Bryan tour 2020. Open the website and make yourself familiar with all powerful Luke Bryan concerts in 2020!
Chris Stapleton Tour
Chris Stapleton is my favourite US contry singer. His powerful takes me away from all problems of this planet so I start enjoy my life and listen songs created by his voice. Now the singer is on a All-American Road Show Tour started in May of 2019. The concerts scheduled for the whole 2019, up to the November 2. Tickets are available for all men and women with different income. If you are a country music lover as me, then you must visit at least one Chris' concert. All AMERICAN ROAD SHOW tour dates are available at the Chris Stapleton tour Fresno. Open the website and make yourself familiar with all Chris Stapleton concerts in 2019!
Miranda Lambert Tour
Miranda Lambert is my favourite US singer. She is young, beautiful and charming woman in her 30s. Her voice takes me away from all issues of this planet and I start enjoy my life and listen songs created by her mind. Now she is on a Roadside Bars & Pink Guitars Tour started in September of 2019 featuring Tenille Townes, Ashley McBride and others. The concerts scheduled for the whole 2019, up to the end of November. Ticket prices are moderate and available for all men and women with different income. If you love country music as mush as I, then you must visit at least one Miranda's concert. All tour dates are available at the Miranda Lambert concert tour. Visit the website and make yourself familiar with all powerful Miranda Lambert concerts in 2019!
Breaking Benjamin Tour 2020
Breaking Benjamin is my favourite band of 90s. They had so many hits! The ones I remember are 'The Diary of Jane', 'Tourniquet' and their hit 'So Cold'. These are real masterpieces, not garbage like today! And it is awesome that Breaking Benjamin have a tour in 2020! So I'm going to visit Breaking Benjamin concert in 2019. The tour dates is here: Breaking Benjamin tour 2020. Click on it and maybe we can even visit one of the performances together!
Chainsmokers tour dates
I like EDM songs! I really do! And my favourite EDM band is The Cheinsmokers! DJs Alex Pall and Andrew Taggart are about to perform more than 50 concerts to their fans in 2019 and 2020! To know more about Chainsmokers in 2019 and 2020 visit site Chainsmokers tour Chicago. You won't miss any concert this year if you click on the link!
Carrie Underwood Tour Dates 2019
Carrie Underwood is my favourite US singer. She is young, beautiful and charming woman in her 30s. Her voice takes me away from all issues of this world so I start enjoy my life and listen songs created by her mind. Now the singer is on a Cry Pretty 360 Tour started in May of 2019. The concerts scheduled for this year, up to the last day of October. Ticket prices are moderate and available for all men and women with different income. If you love contry music, then you must visit at least one Carrie's concert. All tour dates are available at the Carrie Underwood tour Raleigh. Visit the website and make yourself familiar with all Carrie Underwood concerts in 2019!
Chainsmokers concert tour
I like EDM bands! I really do! And my favourite electronic band is Chainsmokers! DJs Andrew Taggart and Alex Pall are about to perform more than 50 concerts to their fans in 2019 and 2020! To know more about The Chainsmokers in 2019 visit website Chainsmokers tour Detroit. You aren't going to miss concerts this year if you click on the link!
Johnnyswim tour dates
I like folk songs! I really do! And my favourite soul band is Johnnyswim! The members Amanda Sudano and Abner Ramirez are about to give more than 40 concerts for their fans in 2019 and 2020! To know more about Johnnyswim in 2019 visit website Johnnyswim tour. You won't miss concerts by Johnnyswim in 2020 if you visit the link!
Johnnyswim tickets
I like pop-folk songs! I really do! And my favourite pop-folk band is Johnnyswim! The members Abner Ramirez and Amanda Sudano are about to perform more than 40 concerts to their fans in 2019 and 2020! To know more about Johnnyswim band in 2019 and 2020 visit site johnnyswimtour.com. You aren't going to miss any show by Johnnyswim in 2020 if you visit the link!
Johnnyswim tour 2020
I like folk songs! I really do! And my favourite folk band is Johnnyswim! The members Amanda Sudano and Abner Ramirez are about to perform more than 40 concerts for their fans in 2019 and 2020! To know more about Johnnyswim in 2020 visit site Johnnyswim tour 2019. You won't miss any performance by Johnnyswim in 2019 if you visit the link!
Carrie Underwood Cry Pretty Tour 360
Carrie Underwood is my favourite US singer. She is young, beautiful and charming woman in her 30s. Her strong voice takes me away from all issues of this world so I can enjoy my life and listen songs created by her mind. Now the singer is on a Cry Pretty 360 Tour started in May of 2019. The concerts scheduled for the whole 2019, up to the last day of October. Tickets are available for all men and women with different income. If you love contry music, then you must visit at least one of her concert. All tour dates are available at the Carrie Underwood tour Fresno. Open the website and make yourself familiar with all powerful Carrie Underwood concerts in 2019!
Carrie Underwood Cry Pretty Tour 2019
Carrie Underwood is my favourite US singer. She is young, beautiful and charming woman in her 30s. Her voice takes me away from all troubles of this planet and I can enjoy my life and listen songs created by her mind. Now the singer is on a Cry Pretty 360 Tour started in May of 2019. The concerts scheduled for the whole 2019, up to the last day of October. Ticket prices are moderate and available for all men and women with different income. If you love contry music, then you must visit at least one Carrie's concert. All tour dates are available at the Carrie Underwood tour San Diego. Open the website and make yourself familiar with all Carrie Underwood concerts in 2019!
Hootie and the Blowfish Tour Dates 2019
I like rock songs! I really do! And my favourite rock band is Hootie&Blowfish! All band members has came together to give more than 50 concerts to their fans in 2019! To know more about Hootie and The Blowfish in 2019 visit website Hootie and the Blowfish tour Los Angeles. You won't miss any performance this year if you click on the link!
New Kids on the Block Tour Dates
New Kids on the Block is my favourite pop-band of 90s. They had so many hit songs! The ones I remember are 'Tonight', 'Baby, I Believe In You' and their hit 'Step By Step'. These are real songs, not fake ones like today! And it is awesome NKOTB have a tour in 2019! So I'm going to visit New Kids on the Block concert in 2019. The tour dates is here: newkidsontheblocktour2019.com. Click on it and maybe we can even visit one of the performances together!
Hootie and the Blowfish Tour Dates 2019
I like rock songs! I really do! And my favourite yadrock band is Hootie & Blowfish! All band members has reunited to give more than 50 concerts to their fans in 2019! To know more about Hootie and The Blowfish in 2019 visit website Hootie and the Blowfish tour Chicago. You won't miss concerts in 2019 if you visit the link!
Joe Bonamassa tour dates
Joe Bonamassa is a famous country singer, so don't miss the possibility to visit Joe Bonamassa New Jersey tour tickets
Zdeňka Nemravová
Zdeňka Nemravová
Nové info na Zámku, koleček spousta, karta KČT, nálepky a sousta letáčků a pohlednic-supr místo a vaří výborný kafe jen za 10,-Kč. Dokonce mě slečna provedla Pivovarem,samu, těsně před polední pauzou.
Perleťářství stojí zato a hrad též. Otevírací doba souhlasí.
Jana Knappe
Jana Knappe
Otvírací doba na internetu neodpovídá skutečnosti. TIC zavřeno. Škoda, že se nejsou schopni domluvit s knihovnou která má otevřeno.
Pavel Kopřiva
Pavel Kopřiva
zámek ano
Zámek stojí za to určitě navštívit, město už ale tak malebné není. Takže zámek ano, ale město bych si klidně nechal ujít.
Eva Kosmáková
Eva Kosmáková
šicí stroje nikde, zato jsou tam momentálně loutky. Perleťářství přesunuto do špýcharu(tam jsme nebyli). Zámek je asi zajímavé místo, pokud by nám o něm někdo něco řekl. Průvodkyně sice ochotná, leč její výklad se omezil téměř výhradně na popis výjevů na freskách - že koukám na kytky vidím sama, na to nemusí v každé místnosti upozorňovat. O historii jen pár vět. O majitelích nic. O původním účelu místností nic. O vystaveném nábytku nic. Kdo je na obrazech - nic. O architektuře nic. Na věž nás poslala samotné, takže o okolí taky nic. Škoda, budu dodatečně hledat info na netu...
lilie na zámku
Zámek jsme navštívili v době výstavy lilií, takže nejen zámek, perleťářstí ale i krásná aranžerie lilií byl hezký žážitek.
Známky došly!!! Ať se na mě nikdo nezlobí, ale tohle není jen o ignoranci, toto už je daleko víc výsměch, když infocentrum města, ve kterém se za tři týdny koná setkání sběratelů turistických suvenýrů, nemá v prodeji vlastní TZ.
Honza Pásler
V zámku zajímavá expozice perleťářství a knoflíkářství a výstava několika desítek šicích strojů, které shromáždil místní sběratel.
Přišly jsme v neděli později odpoledne. Přesto, že jsme byly jenom dvě, vzala nás průvodkyně na prohlídku, což by se na mnoha jiných místech nestalo.Známky jsou k dispozici v prodějne vstupenek/suvenýrů.
Moc hezký zámek, expozice a také výborný výklad starší zkušené průvodkyně. Stojí za to. Známka bez problému zakoupena v pokladně
známka bez problému k dostání v zámku
Známek dostatek.Za zhlédnutí stojí také špýchar.
V přízemí umístěna sbírka šicích strojů, v patře expozice výroby perleťových knoflíků. Po požáru v 60 letech minulého století bylo objeveno velké množství fresek, které svým rozsahem patří mezi největší na našich zámcích. Některé fresky jsou přímo unikátní, protože malíř zde zobrazil zakázaná témata. Nádvoří má neobvyklý tvar a z věže je zajímavý pohled do okolí. Zámek by si určitě zasloužil větší propagaci a mnohem víc návštěvníků. Sbírce šicích strojů by neškodilo více prostoru, stejně tak i expozice knoflíků by si zasloužila rozšířit o více exponátů a informací o výrobě.
V neděli 21.8.2005 jsme zámek navštívili, známka dostupná v pokladně bez problémů, zámek by si asi zasloužil
větší publicitu a návštěvnost.
Vladimír Š.
Stojí za shlédnutí. Prodavač ochotný, dostanete i propagační materiál.
Velmi hezké. Výstava knoflíků(knoflíkářství), asi 100 "Singer" šicí stroje, překrásné fresky,
pěkný výhled z věže.Nenechte si ujít
K dnešnímu dni je vydaných:
2921 Turistických známek
2916 Výročních TZ
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Energetické úspory administrativní budovy Julia Sedláka 14 v Rýmařově

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